Teacher Preparation Degrees

Would you like to become a professional K-12 educator in North Carolina? Educators make a difference! At Central Carolina Community College (推荐正规买球平台) you can begin your journey toward becoming a North Carolina teacher eligible for employment at public and private schools.

There are growing North Carolina and nationwide teacher shortages. It is expected 200,000 additional teachers will be needed by 2025. You could help students learn new skills and start a rewarding career as an educator.

Two Pathways

Central Carolina has two options for pursuing a teacher preparation pathway.

Both degree options prepare a student to transfer to a college or university education program with junior level status, and both Central Carolina degrees are available completely online.

  • Associate in Arts - Teacher Preparation

    This degree will meet the general education requirements of the senior transfer institution while preparing students for teaching at the elementary, middle, and high school levels, especially with an emphasis on writing, history, humanities, psychology, sociology, art, music, and related fields.

  • Associate in Science - Teacher Preparation

    This degree option also will meet the general education requirements of the senior transfer institution and will prepare students for teaching at the elementary, middle, and high schools levels, especially in the areas of math, science, engineering, technology, computer science, agriculture, and related fields.


Partnerships will help make your transfer even easier.

To make your transfer even easier, Central Carolina has extensive partnerships with all public universities and most private colleges and universities in North Carolina. Smooth transfer is facilitated by the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement. In addition, Central Carolina has additional enhanced transfer partnerships that may permit students to be exempt from application fees and to participate in special programming and opportunities prior to transfer.

Work with award-winning advisors

Central Carolina has an excellent advising program, and award-winning advisors work with students in the Associate in Arts - Teacher Preparation and Associate in Science - Teacher Preparation programs. All students will get excellent, individualized advising that helps them reach their academic, transfer, and career goals.

How do I get started?

  1. Apply to 推荐正规买球平台, indicating on your application either Associate in Arts - Teacher Preparation or Associate in Science - Teacher Preparation for your program of study.
  2. When you meet with your Admissions Counselor, indicate you are interested in becoming an educator.
  3. You will meet with program faculty and faculty advisors to determine possible career and academic program options.

Financial aid is available for those who qualify.

Interested in education but not sure this program fits your interests? Look at other options for becoming an educator.